Sismame International Trading Plc

Welcome to Sismame International Trading Plc

Sismame International Trading engages in import and export business for the past 14 years. As a result, a dependable business environment has been created with our customers and partners. We are still committed to exert our highest effort to bring our vision as we endeavor to become market leaders in agricultural commodities export industry and create greater value for our customers. We are heavily investing in the manufacturing sector to make our country a better place to live and open the door for untapped infinite business opportunities in the sector.


We believe that customer satisfaction is a key to business success. We understand that knowing your customers and their needs will help providing them with the best products and services. We also believe that providing excellent customer service, makes our customers feel valued, and assures them that we stand behind our products.

what makes us different?

Our products have high quality because we control the process from beginning to end. Also, our service is different because we care about our customers and we do whatever it takes to make our customers happy.

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